Guardianship & College Counselling

All international students have many questions regarding the college preparation, life and all about USA. Students may need mentoring and guide for the better future. Please keep advised well.

Basic Guardianship One Year $ 4,000 Supervising Host Family / Manage School and Teachers / Manage all Papers / Airport Pick Up
9-12 Grade (College Counselling) One Year $6,000 Plan College Application(Manage Test, Academic Advising ,Extra Curricular, Internship, Vacation setting)
Processing Applying 12 Grade Top School Apply $ 15,000 (10 schools) and Essay + Application Fee Dream School, Matching School, Safety School Any Colleges Level $5,000 (10 schools) and Essay + Application Fee
College University Students Manage One Time College Admission without TOEFL $2,000 + Application Fee + SEVIS Fee One Year College life Management in Student Dorm $20,000 - Manage Test, Academic Advising ,Extra Curricular, Internship, Vacation setting, Visa Consulting , Manage I20 One Year College life Mentoring + Matching School APPLING $25,000 (10 schools) + Application Fee



Founded in 1992 in 33rd Street of Manhattan, New York, we have a 25 year track record of working as a successful Education Consultant. The official name of our Education Consultant were ELITE OVERSEAS CONSULTING & now we have education services including our own language school (GENY), Study abroad programs, Translation & Interpretation Services and ADMISSION Consulting. Now we are situated at 519, 8th Ave at Manhattan, New York & we have our own language centers in the United States & We have been working with students and organizations from over 30 countries, to help them achieve their language & higher education goals. Our Private Career School is GLOBAL EDUCATION New York (GENY) which is registered as a Private career School approved by the New York State Department of Education. It is authorized under federal law to accept non-immigrants students.


Global Education New York

  • 519 8th Avenue 2nd Floor,
    New York , NY 10018
  • Phone:+1 (347) 221 8682
  • Email:

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