Explanation of Degrees

Undergraduate Program
  • A program leading to an associate (2-year) or a bachelor’s (also called baccalaureate) (4-year) degree; generally following secondary or high school.

Graduate Program
  • A program leading to a master’s degree, doctoral degree or advanced certificate; advanced study generally following a bachelor’s degree.

Associate Degree
  • A degree granted by a college or university after the satisfactory completion of a two-year, full-time program of study or its part-time equivalent.

Bachelor’s or Baccalaureate Degree
  • A degree received after the satisfactory completion of a four or five year full-time program of study or its part-time equivalent at a college or university. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) are the most common baccalaureate degrees.

Master’s Degree
  • A master’s degree is designed to provide additional education or training in a specialized branch of knowledge, significantly beyond the level of baccalaureate study.

Doctoral Degree
  • A doctoral degree (doctorate) is designed to train research scholars and, in many cases, future college and university faculty members. Receipt of a doctoral degree certifies that the student has demonstrated capacity as a trained research scholar in a specific discipline.

First Professional Degree
  • A First Professional Degree prepares students for professions that require a license such as nursing, architecture, law, medicine, chiropractic, engineering, dentistry, etc.



Founded in 1992 in 33rd Street of Manhattan, New York, we have a 25 year track record of working as a successful Education Consultant. The official name of our Education Consultant were ELITE OVERSEAS CONSULTING & now we have education services including our own language school (GENY), Study abroad programs, Translation & Interpretation Services and ADMISSION Consulting. Now we are situated at 519, 8th Ave at Manhattan, New York & we have our own language centers in the United States & We have been working with students and organizations from over 30 countries, to help them achieve their language & higher education goals. Our Private Career School is GLOBAL EDUCATION New York (GENY) which is registered as a Private career School approved by the New York State Department of Education. It is authorized under federal law to accept non-immigrants students.


Global Education New York

  • 519 8th Avenue 2nd Floor,
    New York , NY 10018
  • Phone:+1 (347) 221 8682
  • Web:www.genyedu.com
  • Email: mail@genyedu.com

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